March 2012 - Global Curriculum – An Essay . . . . from Tomislav F. Marjanovic †
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Global Curriculum – essay

With other words; this is not a scientific report on the subject of Education but, rather report on practical experience and application with teaching tools to help Teachers for more productive teaching process.

Number of years of experience are collected in this report and, this was the first part of this essay:

Tomislav F. Marjanovic - THE BRAIN - Theory of operation

At the may of 1997, we are less then 1000 days before year 2000
- the end of the decade of neuroscience, and we are still waiting for the breakthrough.

Why? In the number of books and periodicals we can read about results of the work of so many scientist, their experiments and explanation of particular phenomena's. By now, we know a lot of details of the Brain operations, but we are still missing practical and theoretical explanation of the Brain as a system.

One could say that almost all necessary experiments are already done, and many of them are very good documented that we should be able to write this Theory of operation of the Brain.

But to write the "Theory of the system" that has something like 100 billions (100,000,000,000,) of active elements - individual neurons - all of them with a single output - Axon - but many of them with thousand of inputs - and all of inputs and outputs in dynamic change all the time ....... it is not an easy task.

Adding influence of the drugs and hormone, even static combinations of inputs / outputs conditions will give a number with very many zeros!

And this system is self organised with learning, memorising - forgetting phenomena!
Let us leave the Neuroscience on the side for the moment.

Today's technology is so advanced, that we can try to build an equivalent of the Brain out of silicon.

The key solution is silicon equivalent of the neuron with all its learning, memorising, forgetting - and switching phenomena.

We can still remember the time when we have built the logical circuits out of separate and different chips for AND-gates, OR-gates, inverters. And memory chip was another animal any way! Some time later we could use just NOR-gates for all gates and inverters, but still using separate memory chips.

The nature has gone even one step further and made all this together in one unit, so called neuron.

Ones again, the neuron is doing all logical operations: AND-gates, OR-gates, inverters and memory in a single "chip".

Our neurons out of silicon will operate like natural neuron. It will have two different kind of operations; relatively slow associative learning memory, and very fast logical switching operation. With the other words; slow cognition, and fast recognition.

Theory of operation for this silicon neuron is based on suggestions from Donald 0. Hebb.
That associate learning could be produced by simple cellular mechanism.
According to Hebb's learning rule, coincident activity in the presynaptic and postsynaptic surface is critical for the operation between them - Pavlovian conditioning.

The silicon neuron is for outside word fast switching device. Internal associative memory could operate as analogue or digital device. Controlling a memory process, we can control precisely learning time, forgetting time or just reset the memory and start from the beginning!

The most of the neurons are of general purpose type operating as just explained, but they could have different configurations of the input synapses.

Special type of neurons are sensory neurons that are working as analogue to digital converters to convert analogue voltage value of the sensory device to digital value in form of pulses. Number of pulses per time unit defines the analogue value.

Another special neuron is motor neuron with his Axon ending directly on the muscle. His operation together with the muscle could be described as digital to analogue converter.

In addition to analogue and digital processing in the Brain, we can also distinguish between chemical and physical processing. Memory of the genetic material (DNA), as well as Generation of drugs and hormones, is pure chemical process. Associative memory is a physical device, where chemical process is changing physical characteristic of conducting conditions.

Why should we try to build a system which operation is similar to the Brain using present silicon technology.

Approaching year 2000, and observing on one side booming development of communication technology, and on another side a crises in some science fields like physics, some industries like steel production or medicine and medications. Are we doing something wrong?

It takes more and more time to find solutions for present problems. We are years behind solutions for cancer and aids - just two to mention.

Could it be that we are at present in a creativity crisis! Many discoveries that we have made recently have been find by mistake or by occasion. Why can we not look for something directly, and really find it! Is it something wrong with our "logic"?

Since years, we are aware of the fact, the education's systems even in very developed countries need some changes.

We know that our kits are creative, but after going through education's process, they are loosing this capability.

Everything we know, we have learned. With a few exceptions, every new born child with his 100 billions of not organised neurons has the same chance to become a genius or gangster. It all depends, how much chances somebody is using, that society and family, school or street are making available.

Our Brain has capability of total adaptation to the surroundings. But if we are using only about 10 to 15% of our 100 billion of neurons, then is something wrong with this adaptation. If we could arrange to simulate natural brain operation throughout simulation on the equivalent system made out of silicon, we will be able to write the Theory of operation for the Brain.

The first practical application could be to understand mechanism of associate learning. We will realise two different operations:

(1) Associative operation Logical operation
(2) Associative memory Logical memory
(3) Creative approach Logical approach
(4) Thinking Computing
(5) Thinking System Computer

Associative circuits and system could be forced to do logical operations, but there is no way back from logic to association.

Neurons are performing booths operations. Ones association memory is established, neurons perform logical operations.

Very complex data processing in the Brain requires very extensive multitasking operations. For each task, the Brain is developing separate learn ware, that we can consider as separate "of line" channels - like one for walking, one for playing a musical instrument or one for driving a car. Those "of line" channels are operating in kind of automatic mode without our attention of awareness. But, if this automatic operation is disturbed - like a mistake by walking, "on line" channel is switched on immediately, trying to correct the error.

And brain has only one "on line" channel. Through this channel we have access and control of all parts of the brain. With the feedback to every action we are aware of every part of our body. We are observing "on line ", all our input channels like smell, teach, sound, vision and making "on line" command to execute movements.

Because of the fact that we have only one "on line" channel, as soon as one task is learned and number of times exercised, it will be push out (down) to new "off line" channel for automatic execution. This execution is done by a single command.

The most interesting part of brain is the co-ordination between different location of the brain and input and output channels; and of course - the timing. All different timings could be defined and documented. And those timings should not be critical.

This was just a short summery of phenomena's necessary to built silicon brain and to write a Theory of operation.

At the beginning of 1950's as a student and member of a Cybernetic Club I have worked on our first neuron made with a relays and build a "cybernetic Dog" in order to demonstrate a learning mechanism of the neuron. At that time we did not know Habb's learning rules, but we did know Ivan Petrowitsch Pawlow and his dog!

I am looking for co-operation in writing the Theory of operation of the Brain, as well as developing silicon neuron - and of course, to develop thinking machine.

This is the end of the article: THE BRAIN - Theory of operation

Some questios and some answers

Was this Article ever published?
No, this article was never published.

What was result of the test with "cybernetic dog"?

We have build "Cybernetic Dog" by using two key switches and two lamps. One key switch with the lamp did represent the dogs owner - swinging the tail and, another key switch and lamp the stranger - barking.

How did experiment worked out?

Pushing the dogs owner key switch the dog will "swing the tail". Pushing the stranger key switch the dog will "bark".

Pushing both key switches in the same time and holding for the few seconds, the association learning process will start. We have start to teach the dog that this stranger could be a friend if the stranger would come few time during certain period time.

There must be certain rules following this experiment! What are the rules?


  1. For the dog to learn that stranger could become the friend we have to repeat pushing the keys number of time for certain period of times until the dog stop barking and start to swing the tail.
  2. Ones the dog has learned this lesson that the stranger is a friend it does no matter which key switch we push, the dog will swing his tail.
  3. But the status of learned lesson will not stay for ever. We have installed the "forgetting mechanism" in Cybernetic dog in order to follow natural process of forgetting.
  4. In order not to forget the lesson we would have to keep pushing the both key certain number of time in the certain period of time.
  5. If we leave dog enough time to forget we can start the process of learning again but this time the learning time will be much shorter - less number of pushing in less time.

Credit for building Cybernetic Dog belongs to, at that time student, today Professor Branimir Makanec.

Why we have spent so much time to make this Cybernetic Dog?

To build Electronic Brain it is necessary to define learning, memorizing and forgetting phenomena in leaving organism.

What means Learning?

Learning is the process by which we acquire new knowledge.

What is memory?

Memory is the process by which we retain the knowledge over time.

But, before we go to modern technology, let us see bit of history of Education.

Does this picture looks familiar?

Communication in the Classroom - Courtesy of N.V. PHILIPS

Probably the oldest form of teaching and the one least wrought with complexity, is the socratic teaching method, know nowadays as tutorial instruction.

Is there another name of the method?

Closed-loop in which feedback to the Tutor is given at every point.

What is open-end?

Open-ended System, still used in many Schools and Universities.

How does the teacher know that some of his students have not understood the subject?

Is this what we call the "feedback problem" ?

We can best appreciate what is meant by a "rapid and effective" form of individual feedback by first considering present day methods!

Is this the present day method?

This is alternative method to allow each student to respond while the lesson is in progress. But to do this the teacher must first prepare a different question for each student. Then the student must be allowed sufficient time - say 2 minutes - to absorb the question and provide the answer. It is not difficult to calculate how many students could be ask the question and have time to answer this question. This is the characteristic of open-ended teaching!

The feedback remedy!

This diagram presents the feedback method used by so called "Students Intelligence Response".

Do we have a picture of this rather old System; made at end of 1960's!

Principle of the Student Intelligence Responder.

It consist essentially of a number of responder units, one for each student, which are connected by means of multi core cable to a monitoring consol at the teacher desk.

The teacher's Monitoring Console consist essentially of a "class-function panel" and a "student-response panel". A meter on the class-function panel indicates what percentage of the class has responded to each of four possible answers; indication of the answers selected by individual student being given on the response-panel.

Student Responder Unit:
The teacher discuss the subject, conduct an experiment, explains a mathematical problem, etc. He then poses a question and visually presents up to four possible answers. Every student responds to this questions by depressing one of four "answer" buttons.

Students Response, Motivation and Reward?

Motivation and Reward.
The type and / or method of reward in the learning situation has been the subject of controversy since Plato's tome. One thing is not in doubt however, and that is, provided the reward is applied in a meaningful manner it has a very positive effect on the students performance. The most widely accepted type of reward, and one which leading educationalists to agree upon is, immediate knowledge of result.

This has been subject to extensive laboratory studies through the world and consensus of opinion stresses the importance of providing the student with immediate, specific information concerning the correctness of his effort. And, success is the best Motivation!!

What is the Motivation?

Psychologists generally break behavior and experience into a few categories: sensation, motivation, learning and memory.

Motivation before learning and memory?

Statement from Professor Manfred Spitzer in the book LERNEN: The children can many things - what children can not do is, not to learn!! And, our brain is learning all the time!

Is this kind of natural Incentive bonus and Reward ?

Yes, but not necessary in the form of money. The better then money is - feeling of success. (German - Erfolgserlebnis).

By the way, some educationalist claim, that we have to teach the children how to learn?

Reading above statement it would be the same as to claim, that we have to teach the chicken how to make eggs.

What is the opposite of the success?

Fear and Stress!

What should be the first step to improve the Educations System?

To free the Students and Pupils from the Fear and Stress!!

Remark: For better understanding how the Fear an Stress influence the Education we have to go back to Neuroscience!

But, where to start? With B.F. Skinner?

Or before? The first teaching machines is generally credited to Sidney Pressey, a professor of Ohio State university. During the early 1920's Pressey build a teaching apparatus that resembled a simplified typewriter. A Multiple Choice Question was presented to the student in the window box.

The next significant development in interactive technology came as a result of B.F. Skinner's research in the 1950's. Skinner and his group of researchers are credited with originating programmed instruction.

Dr. Norman Crowder introduced a major education innovation by combining Skinner's and Pressey's work to create branched programmed tests. He designed Multiple Choice Questions so that each answer routed the respondent to a different path.

Over past years, Interactive learning technique devolved parallel to hardware. Computer and television become major factor in our society. The same technology that made slide rules obsolete it now touching almost every aspects of our live.

As a result, we now have communication technology which has almost limitless possibilities for expending our capability to solve problems.

The "Teaching Machine" was introduced. Today's Multi media personal Computer with learning software represent the Teaching Machine and, is ideal system for individual learning of specific task. Hardware and software enable maximum adaptation to one person - for individual learning.

How does Teaching Machine works in the School Class for collective Learning? Is the Schools Class a group of individuals or a integrated social group as a learning ambient?

The School Class full of Personal Computers with specific software to learn for "Computer Driver's license" according to EU recommendation is OK. But not as collective teaching machine for general application.

But, what is the future of teaching and learning in the Class Room with modern technology?

The School will stay or fall with the Teacher in the Class, and with his teaching methods!

The teaching system for collective learning in the Classroom should be build around the Teacher in order to make his job with less stress and if necessary, in the present class size.

The task of the Teacher is to teach the subject field, to exercise the subject and to check the knowledge level. But, not to forget, his basic educative task is to form personality for his students.

We can use modern technology tools to teach the subject, exercise and, to check the knowledge level with less effort and stress and, living the teacher enough time for his education task.

What are those tools?

The first tool is for teaching particular subject. Let us use our imagination and just look in the classroom. The most of Teacher are standing at a front of the blackboard and, using chalk, presents his lecture on the blackboard. Sometimes the teacher is using the Overhead Projector or other classical teaching tools.

Having in mind, that thousand of teacher are doing the same procedure every day, can we try to imagine an alternative . . .

What could be alternative?

Very first device of modern technology in the classroom is the multimedia computer on the teacher desk and, Video-Projector parallel to blackboard. Can we now imagine that, let us say, the virtual teacher as his assistant has prepared such a lecture in form of Power-Point Presentation and has it on the CD-ROM. Now, the classroom teacher can present this lecture on the Video-Projector.

There could be more advantage with this prepared lecture:

1. Teacher does not has to make long preparation for the lecture, most of time a day before the lecture itself.

2. Many teacher in many schools around the country can use the same prepared lectures using distributed CD ROM's.

3. Those schools could be in the big or small cities, villages or islands.

4. All those schools will have now the same quality lecture!

Is this phenomena a part of the new Curriculum?

Yes, but only the first part. According to the motto: "Humans can talk about anything but not longer then 20 minutes" - so this first part should not be longer then 20 minutes!

What is the next part?

Due to the fact that the first part is presented over projector with is so called "frontal teaching", the next part will be working in groups. This is the time for "homework"! During this operation the better students can help others to do this work. We should realize that helping others, is not a lost time for better students. According to saying that "the best way to learn is to teach" this helping time is a good investment. This is also the time to realize that in the most cases, there is nobody at home to help to do these home works any way. Again, there is no classical Homework. Pupils can rewrite those "schoolwork" at home to homework without the help from the third person!

This process will bring more equal opportunity in the Education System.

Who define the targets of Educational System?

We are talking here about Public Schools and Education. It is necessary to define what subjects have to be learned and, how deep the knowledge should be. The best way could be if business world or economic organization make inputs to this standards. If Human resources or sometimes translated as Human Capital is the right or wrong description it could be discussed. But the phenomena is that production and economy in general need definitely qualified work force.

How we define the Qualification?

Exam, examination, test are some expressions that leave a trail of bad experience to many people. But, those process are necessary to proof qualification!

Can we turn this examination drama around, and make the examination to be Fun?

Yes, we can! Theory: "If we manage to make instead big and seldom exams, many small steps and very often examinations combined with award of confirmation of immediate knowledge of result, we will eliminate the stress and generate a fun out of the examination!!

We have seen the Principle of Student Intelligence Responder. Can we use this method?

Yes, even this system is already some years old. Let us see this diagram again. The knowledge is transferred first to display (projector), then to student (stimulus), then to store (response) and as feedback, back to teacher. This is confirmation that teaching - learning phenomena is a close loop process. Meanwhile, the Student Intelligent Responder had been developed to advanced Computer software, very often based on Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation with Multiple Choice Questions.

Based in the new technology this Teaching Aid does not have to be installed in dedicated room with very complex wiring.

Connection between Audience Keypads and the Laptop is made either as Infrared or RF communication. This is a portable System that is delivered in a portable case and could be easily set-up in any classroom.

The XPRESS RF Audience Response System (XPRESS ARS RF) is an easy-to-use RF response system that obtains immediate feedback from every person (up to 400 persons) synchronously in a classroom or conference room.

It's a system composed of hardware (instructor remote, audience (student) remote, RF receiver and cable, etc) and software.

The XPRESS ARS RF often be used to conduct the following activities: Normal Quiz, Rush Quiz, Elimination, Voting, Survey, Grade, Ad-lib Quiz, Oral Response, Attendance, Grouping and Multi Mode. Almost simultaneity, the XPRESS ARS can display the result histogram and score board.

It will produce 11 statistics reports about these activities.

The XPRESS software uses a PowerPoint plug-in to enrich the presentations, and this makes it very easy to learn and use.

XPRESS is an audience response system that enhances interactivity in conferences, lectures and presentations. XPRESS allows you to receive instant feedback from users at any time.

By using it, you can display or speak prepared questions, students key in their answers anonymously with their remote controllers and responses are tallied.

We are using Multiple Choice Questions for examination or test of Knowledge Lever for individual pupil or student. Purpose for this test is to find our, specially on the begin of semester the knowledge level distribution of the Class. This is not a ranking of students but, to find out and help some students, to reach average knowledge level of the Class.

How to find the average knowledge level for certain Class?

Gaussian functions are widely used in statistics where they describe the normal distribution also known as Gauss Bell diagram. Showing quiz results of certain Class under Gauss Bell diagram we will find the most of the students in the middle this diagram. Some of students will be shown on the right and, some on the left side of the diagram.

The most student in the middle represent the average knowledge of the Class. The students on the right side represent higher and, students on the left, the lower level from average knowledge level of the Class.

What is real purpose for the classification?

  1. To help lower group of students to reach the middle of the Class. Additional lecture to "slower" students.
  2. Broader knowledge for "faster" students.
  3. The student in the middle will define the amount of knowledge and speed of lecture.
  4. There will be no competition between groups. Helping each other could generate a "we" or team effect.
  5. Beside meddle level of knowledge for one Class it will as well give a maximum notification for each Class. That can make competition between Classes in one school or even competition between Classes in the City or on the Region level.
  6. Every Class can develop class-conscious for its own!
  7. The Class is the Team and the Class Teacher is the Couch - Team Manager!

How is defined the required Knowledge Level for certain Subject that have to be learned?

Entering to the Schools with the new technology we are not entering nobody's land! There are already written book for each subject for semester or school year. This define already the amount of knowledge to be learned.

But, due to the fact that new learning and classification is based on the Multiple Choice Questions, those book have to be reorganized in the form of list of questions.

Talking about knowledge we have to explain phenomena of competence. Let us see definition of competence in Wikipedia:

  1. Job; this is the first association with competence. After finish of our education our next destination is the job.
  2. The knowledge is most of the time learned and tested verbally; to talk about the subject.
  3.  The skill is something different. Operation or handling certain device. Our verbal knowledge we have to transfer to hands and foots. To operate computer, plying musical instrument, driving the car etc. But as well, time management and teamwork
  4. The social behavior is very broad expression. Here we are talking about relationship between pupils in the class and in the schools. The behavior is not easy to teach or learn, it is live experience. The positive and cooperative atmosphere has to be created in the class. After family, the class is the second most important leaving group in the society. It is known phenomena that, school classes including the class teacher are meeting for many years after the school time was over.

We have been talking about family and class. What is the relationship between those two groups?

Good question. And it is very important to define relationship between family and class or better say the school!

In the most countries is obligatory to send the children in the school. But, this obligatory request that the pupils have to come to the school on time, in clean suit after proper breakfast. The problem, they had at home, should not bring to school.

The pupils should behavior and work according to school requirement. And when they leave the school, they should leave schools problems in the school.

As mentioned already before, the home work should be done as a part of group and team work in the class.

Before we go any further, let us ask the question

How much Neuroscience the Educators should know?

The statement from Professor Manfred Spitzer in his book "Learnig"; every Cook should know about diet and digestion, every Trainer should know about function of muscle, hairdresser abut a hair, beautician about skin and nails. The Educators in general and, the teacher in particular, should know more about the Organ for learning - the BRAIN.

According to Professor Richard F. Thompson from Stanford University the human brain is the most complex structure in the universe. Where could we start?

Our brain has something like 100 billions (100,000,000,000,) of active elements - individual neurons. Children are born with all those neurons, and in certain basic structure controlled by genes. Even before the birth those neuron communicate to each other in order to build a new structures. This communication is in fact, the adaptation to surrounding. This process is called learning and it had started before our birth and, never stop until the end of our live.

But Professor Thompson also said that basic principles of how the elements, the nerve cells, (neurons) function are not really very difficult to understand. But, can we first see experiment from Ivan Pavlov with his dog?

We read in THE BRAIN from professor Thompson; Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist who had been studying digestion in dogs, discovered classical conditioning. He noticed, that the mere sight of the food dish caused the dogs to salivate and decided to continue the experiment and see if dog would also salivate in response to a bell heralding feeding time. Pavlov trained dog to stand in a harness and, after the sound of a bell, fed them meat powder. He recorded the salivary respond of the dog that after a few experiments they began to salivate when the bell rang, before they received the meet powder.

This also known as Pavlovian Conditioning and as well as Associative Learning.

It is important to notice that, this is association between two simultaneous phenomena. With other words, time coincidence of two phenomena, during certain period of time.

Can we see the picture of Ivan Pavlov and his dog?

By courtesy of : JOHO news - St. Josef-Hospital Wiesbaden
By courtesy of: Spectrum of Wissenschaft - Gehirn and Kognition

It is interesting to notice, that this experiment is not mentioned very often in the Neuroscience and, could leave the impression that this knowledge that is about one hundred years old, could be somehow ignored!

At about fifty year later or, fifty years ago Donald O. Hebb from the McGill University at Montreal has proposed learning and memory model.

This process is happening at Neurons when postsynaptic and presynaptic are simultaneously active and are generating so called LTP Long Term Potentiation, the voltage that case transmitters to flow between synapses. This is also known as Hebb's rule.

How to explain a principle of communication between neuron?

The basic Principal of communication between two neurons is following; output of one neuron - AXON - is connected to one of dendrite of the next neuron.

By courtesy of: M.C. Diamond / A.B. Schneibel / L.M. Elson (1984) - The HUMAN BRAIN - COLORING BOOK

The Axon from above neuron is connected to lower neutron over SINAPSE. We can see two part of the synapse. Upper part "B" is called PRESYNAPTIC TERMINAL and is practically the end of Axon from upper neuron. Lower part "F" is part of POSTSYNAPTIC STRUCTURE from lower neuron.

There are basically only tow types of synapses: chemical synapses and electrical synapses. Since most of synapses in human are chemical type, we will discussed them first.

Between "B" and "F" is small space called synaptic "cleft" "E", and this structure is making synaptic junction. The structural of those communication links are of central importance in understanding how the brain works.

For chemical synapses is typical the presence of large number of vesicles "D" neurotransmitter in the presynaptic axon terminal. In between the pre- and post- synaptic membranes is the synaptic space. When a synapse is active and transmits information, the vesicles in presynaptic terminal are about to fuse with the presynaptic membrane and realise their content of transmitter to synaptic space "D". This will make electronic connection and bring active potential from "B" to "F. The symbol "D" show the direction. By electronic means, it is working like a Diode, but is switched on and off chemically. .

But, how electronic synapses are looking like?

Electrical synapse does not have Pre- or Post- structure. Axon terminal from upper neuron is directly connected to the dendrite of lower neuron and, functions like a diode to make solid connection.

It is very important to understand, that before we start to learn and make connection over chemical synapses through conditioning, the most neurons are already preset over electrical synapses caused by genes.

It is possible that at beginning of evolution probable all synapses have been electrical synapses. Dinosaur could be example. They are all born with the preset brain all alike - they could not learn.

And they could not adopt to changing ambient. Some simple organism can still have electrical synapses only.

Can we see electronic diagram of chemical Neuron?

Or another form of the diagram! (The graphic for OR Gate is of German type. Sorry.)

The axon from upper neuron and the relevant dendrite from lower neuron should have so called active potential in the same time. Presynaptic terminal "B" and Postynaptic Structure "F" should be simultaneously active.

Before this activity, there is no connection between "B" and "F". In order to make this happened, we have to condition "B" and "F". Remember Ivan Pavlov and his dog? This is the same conditioning!

Is that mean, that simultaneous activity between presynapitc "B" and postsysnaptic "F" has to be repeat number of times during certain period of time including the rest of rules?

Yes, but let us see those rules ones again in electronic diagram that represent electronic simulation of the physical and chemical process in the neuron.

Pushing and holding the key B it will bring positive voltage to AND gate 1, and to OR gate; LED B and LED J will light.

Pushing key F it will bring positive voltage to AND gate 1and AND gate 2; LED F will light. Pushing now for few second both inputs, AND gate 1 will be High causing output of gate 1 to be high and in the same time charging capacitor C over diode D and resistor R1.

Repeating this process number of times will keep charging capacitor C until its reach high level on AND gate 2 to bring high level to OR gate; having than High at Junction J, LED J will light.

We have managed conditioning or associate learning between B and F. Pushing either key B or key F the Junction will be high and LED J will light.

It is very important to notice, that this Neuron circuit has changed from the AND function to the OR Function.

But this condition will not stay very long. Beside charging capacitor C over resistor R1, the same capacitor will be discharged over resistor R2. This will cause AND gate 2 to close. B is split for F. That means, the OR Function has changed back to the AND Function.

This is process of learning and forgetting! To summarise:

  1. Learning; conditioning Phenomena "B" and Phenomena "F".
    Repeating coincidence of B + F.
  2. Memorizing; after learning keep repeating for some time.
  3. Forget; stop repeating for certain time.
  4. Refreshing; start from beginning but it will require less repetition.

Resistors R1 and R2 are variable resistor; we can used them to control charging and discharging capacitor C - controlling memorizing and forgetting time?

Is there alternative to use AND gate and Or gate for chemical Neuron?

Yes, we have seen another diagram with the Thyristor. This device is in fact the diode with the possibility to switch on and off by using the voltage potential accumulate on the capacitor C through diode D from AND gate with known conditioning. This is a simple alternative.

Today's technology is so advanced, that we can ask the question, if we can build an equivalent of the Brain out of silicon?

The key solution is silicon equivalent of the neuron with all its learning, memorising, forgetting - and switching phenomena.

We can still remember the time when we have built the logical circuits out of separate and different chips for AND-gates, OR-gates and inverters. But, the memory chip was another animal any way! Some time later we could use just NOR-gates for all gates and inverters, but still using separate memory chips.

The nature has gone even one step further and made all this together in one unit, so called neuron.

Ones again, the neuron is doing all logical operations: AND-gates, OR-gates, inverters and memory in a single "chip".

We have seen different configuration of neurons; are there as well different art of synapse?

Courtesy of: M.C. Diamond / A.B. Schneibel / L.M. Elson (1984) - The HUMAN BRAIN - COLORING BOOK

We have seen electronic diagram for chemical neuron so we can explain electronic diagram of the neuron using symbols for AND, OR gates.We can consider this neuron as one big OR gate. It has one output - AXON, and four inputs as dendrite "H". Further we recognise with "J" and "N" typical chemical synapses and we have seen electronic diagrams shown with AND and OR gates.

With "R" and "M" we recognise electronic synapses on the dendrites. Another electronic synapse "L" is connected directly on the Soma also know as cell body. There are also some exotic synapses!Synapse S is directed forward Electronic synapse. Electrical synapse does not have Pre- or Post- structure. Axon terminal is directly connected to the dendrite and function like a diode and, could perform a different functions.

It is very important to understand, that the most neurons are already preset over electrical synapses under control and manage by genes.

Our neurons out of silicon will operate like natural neuron. It will have two different kind of operations; relatively slow associative learning memory, and very fast logical switching operation. With the other words; slow cognition, and fast recognition.

Describe this partially so called the BRAIN Theory of operation?

Theory of operation for this silicon neuron is based on suggestions from Donald 0. Hebb that associate learning could be produced by simple cellular mechanism.

According to Hebb's learning rule, coincident activity in the presynaptic and postsynaptic surface is critical for the operation between them - Pavlovian conditioning.

The silicon neuron is for outside word fast switching device. Internal associative memory could operate as analogue or digital device. Controlling a memory process, we can control precisely learning time, forgetting time or just reset the memory and start from the beginning!

The most of the neurons are of general purpose type operating as just explained, but they could have different configurations of the input synapses.

Special type of neurons are sensory neurons that are working as analogue to digital converters to convert analogue voltage value of the sensory device to digital value in form of pulses. Number of pulses per time unit defines the analogue value.

Courtesy of: M.C. Diamond / A.B. Schneibel / L.M. Elson (1984). The HUMAN BRAIN - COLORING BOOK

Another special neuron is motor neuron with his Axon ending directly on the muscle. His operation together with the muscle could be described as digital to analogue converter.

Courtesy of: Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell: ESSENTIALS OF NEURAL SCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR

There are some very interesting details on these diagrams:

  1. Input to sensor neuron has voltage amplitude and duration.
  2. Output of sensory neuron has Action potential in form of pulses with constant amplitude and duration; number of pulses per time unit represent analogue voltage of the input.
  3. Connection to the synaptic terminal of the next neuron is over "Myelinated Axon". This connection is not a simple wire but wire covered with Myelin to form waveform line. Electronic expression for waveform lines is coax cable. Example; when we send video signal for the camera to the monitor we use coax cable.

On the second diagram we can follow action potential pulses to and over the next neuron to the Muscle. We notice that going over neuron does not happened any change. At the end, the action potential with digital pulses, over integral process, have converted to analogue value of muscle for contraction.

Can we see more details?

Courtesy of: Thompson F. Richard (1985). THE BRAIN

The first, we should notice the waveform of the pulse. It is about 1 millisecond (msec) long, is 100 millivolt high and very important to notice is, 0 volt, so called DC level. Pulse low level is at -70mV and the peak level is at +30mV.

Next, we notice the travelling time for the pulse over "coax cable".

We have seen analogue to digital conversation; one neuron working just as a switch and, digital to analogue conversation at the end. This is a typical process to control the movement!

Why would be the control of movement so important?

One could say that the most important function of the brain is the control of the movement. The first sign of leaving is movement. The coma is something in between live and dead. Movement means live!!

But, we have seen often a person remain lying on the floor without movement (like KO at boxing), most likely not dead and not in coma. What condition is this?

We would say, this person had lost his conscious! What is the conscious? This person has lost it! He must have it before!

But, before loosing it, where have been holding or carrying it?

Since years the experts are discussing this phenomena, but no definite answer has been found yet! The most of scientist agree, it must be in the Brain. But, what part of the brain? Is it small or big? It is something that human only can have, or other leaving organism can not have this luxury as well!?

Can we stop her; otherwise, we will stay here until tomorrow! Can we put this in connection with movement or in general - doing something?

Yes, it comes to the question; How many movement can we do in the same time? Very simple; just one!

Or better to say one by one or one after each other. It is sequence of events! By computer we call this menu. We took it from the restaurant! We eat from list of meals, one after another.

Before the brain give any command to move any part of our body, the brain has to be aware of all his parts of body.

Let us make a statement; conscious is first of all the phenomena of being aware of all parts of our body.

Now, the brain can issue series of commands to perform certain movement - let say walking; moving one foot after other.

But, can we walk and talk simultaneously? Is it similar as multitasking by computer?

Yes, but this is very complex task, and we can use two more expressions from computer: "on line" channel and "off line" channels.

Remark: one "on line" channel and, more "off line" channels.

We can use our conscious as "on line" channel to "program" other tasks which we can execute like "off line" channels. Those tasks or channels can work automatically - unconsciously.

How many of line channels can be build?

Theoretically unlimited; practically very large number. One for walking, one for driving the car, talking during walking and driving the car, one for playing a musical instrument etc.

Recently, that had been lot of discussion on automatic unconscious operation of the brain. What is the reason for?

In number of experiments it could be confirm that its look like, that the brain execute certain command before this command was given to the Brain!? We often read the statement that, this was not our intention, but somebody else is making decisions - our unconscious may be?

Let us take another consideration. Talking about neuron Professor Manfred Spitzer is using expression; "lousy hardware", awfully slow operation. We should keep in mind that those neurons have very long evolution and are slow in operation comparing with modern technology in computers. But, comparing the speed of some execution in computer and brain, the brain is the winner!

Why and how?

Using our "on line" channel to "program" "off line" channels it is not enough to go only ones, or just a few times over the program to be remember it. And, it is sometime a hard work to get smooth operation!

And it is not only smooth, but very fast and, sometimes faster the real time!

Faster then real time?

This is so called "look ahead" process. Because, it is automatic operation, all steps of movement are known and brain is in position to predict next step before we are aware of it. This is real prediction!

Could it be that, during control of movement we are not talking about feed back from muscle to sensor but, rather feed-for from sensor to the muscle!!

What is the next step?

In addition to analogue and digital processing in the Brain, we can also distinguish between chemical and physical processing. Memory of the genetic material (DNA), as well as generation of drugs and hormones, are pure chemical process. Associative memory is a physical device, where chemical process is changing physical characteristic of conducting conditions.

Why should we try to build a system which operation is similar to the Brain, using present silicon technology?

If we could arrange to simulate natural brain operation throughout simulation on the equivalent system made out of silicon, we will be able to write the Theory of operation for the Brain.

The first practical application could be to understand mechanism of associate learning. We will realise two different operations:

Associative operation Logical operation
Associative memory Logical memory
Creative approach Logical approach
Thinking Computing
Thinking System Computer

Associative circuits and system could be forced to do logical operations but, there is no way back from logic to association.

Neurons are performing booths operations. Ones association memory is established, neurons perform logical operations.

Since years, we are aware of the fact, the education's systems even in very developed countries need some changes.

We know that our kits are creative, but after going through education's process, they are loosing some of this capability.

Everything we know, we have learned. With a few exceptions, every new born child with his 100 billions of not organised neurons has the same chance to become a genius or gangster. It all depends, how much chances somebody is using, that school and family, society or street are making available.

Very complex data processing in the Brain require very extensive multitasking operations. For each task, the Brain is developing separate learn ware, that we can consider as separate "of line" channels - like one for walking, one for playing a musical instrument or one for driving a car.

Those "of line" channels are operating in kind of automatic mode without our attention or awareness. But, if this automatic operation is disturbed - like a mistake by walking, "on line" channel is switched on immediately, trying to correct the error.

And brain has only one "on line" channel. Through this channel we have access and control of all parts of the brain. With the feedback to every action we are aware of every part of our body. We are observing "on line ", all our input channels like smell, touch, sound, vision and making "on line" command to execute movements.

Because of the fact that we have only one "on line" channel, as soon as one task is learned and number of times exercised, it will be push out (down) to new "off line" channel for automatic execution. This execution is done by a single command only.

The most interesting part of brain is the co-ordination between different location of the brain and input and output channels; and of course - the timing. All different timings could be defined and documented. And those timings should not be critical.

This was just a short summery of phenomena's necessary to built Cybernetic Electronic Brain with Neurons made with Silicon Chips and with NI - Natural Intelligence and not AI.

Wee read in the book Computer Thinking from Sir Roger Penrose:

There is certain direction, so called strong AI (Artificial Intelligence), that in this question have extreme position. According to strong AI are not only debug devices really intelligent, but we can as well every logically function computer device give certain spiritual quality even if it is simplest mechanical apparatus, like Thermostat. Behind this phenomena could be idea that spiritual activity is simple execute of good defined sequence of events ones so called algorithm. Algorithm is kind of well define calculation rule. For the case of Thermostat the algorithm is extremely simple. This device has to detect if the temperature is below or above define certain value and to switch on or off the heater.

For any considerable spiritual task in Human Brain the algorithm would have to be much more complicated. Nevertheless, it would be the algorithm.

We read at Scientific American from March 2006-4-6 in "Complexity and Scientific Laws":

Leibniz essentially stated that, a theory has to be simpler than the data it explains, otherwise it does not explain anything.
The Cybernetic Electronic Brain will work with very simple Algorithm.

Through Learning we are changing AND gate to OR gate. By forgetting, the OR gate will change back to AND gate.
This algorithm is the basic rule for Knowledge Management. There is no software. The hardware only.

We are using our Consciousness as the online Channel to build almost unlimited number of offline Channels. One could say; with number of offline Channels we could judge the Intelligence level of the individual brain.


At the Neuroscience for Educators we have seen basics rules in the brain for better teaching and learning. What is the next step?

Let us start; home, parents, children, school, classroom, community.......

Very often one can hear, that we are learning about everything, but nobody is teaching us how to be Mother or Further! EU - European Union had recently introduced mother and further driver's license!? This is not a joke!


  • It could sound strange to call that mother and further skills Driver's License, but it is like the skill to operate automobile. Driver does not have to know much about theory of operation of automobile - just to drive it!
  • Very similar it the driver's license for computer. It is not required any skill for using screwdriver to open computer, to install or change boards etc. Just to operate the computer!

The parents should know what the Child needs is, first of all, love und structures. Until few months before the birth, the child's most neurons are controlled by electrical synapses to enable generation of the basics structure. Few month before and after the birth the child's brain is learning new structures.

We are all born without language and with limited movement skill. To learn speaking we, and special the Mother, have to speak very much with the child. At the beginning the child can not answer, but the brain is not only learning the wards but grammar rules as well.

This is special phenomena of the brain how to learn mother language. After about tree year, the child will speak the mother language grammatically correct, without knowing the grammatical rules!

It is also important to realize that the mother language is, the mother other languages that the child is going to learn later.

We know that the first three year are very important for the child live, and many books are written for this period of live.

What is the next period of life for the children that we would like to talk bout ?

Next three years the children are most likely in Kindergarten. At the 6 year of age, and one year before the primary school, in many countries is already practice that children are going in so called "small school", to learn basic behavior in the classroom; to sit down on one place, to learn to hold the pencil, to paint simple picture etc. This experience will help very much the teacher, to survive the first year at the class in the primary school!

The primary schools ?

At primary school, the children are now pupils and the present curriculum does not need to be changed. In the most cases in those school are female teacher using simple and practical teaching aids. There is lot of finger movement and not only by playing a musical instrument. Speaking and modeling is developing more and more the new structure in the children brain.

It is looks like, that at beginning of the secondary schools the biggest problems are happening, and there is a need some change or even reforms !?

Yes, this could be correct! The pupils are changing the classis. Some has to go to another school or even travel to another city.

Another class community is under constitution. Very often some groups are build and try to dominance over others. It is the first task the Class Teacher to avoid the groups building, and to help to elect Class Speaker. This is social part!

It is generally know that, there are no homogenous Classes, and it is good so.

This is the first case to use modern technology, to measure the knowledge level of the class or better to say, knowledge level of individual pupil. And the reason is not to make the ranging of pupil but to see knowledge distribution of the class.

Based on the new technology, this Teaching Aid does not have to be installed in dedicated room with very complex wiring.

Such a system is called ARS - Audience Response System, and there are number of them on he market. (Please see example on page 19/20; the System XPRESS).

Connection between Audience Keypads and the Laptop is made either as Infrared or RF communication. This is a portable System that is delivered in a portable case and could be easily set-up in any classroom.

Using Multiple Choice Questions for examination or test of Knowledge Lever for individual pupil or student. Purpose for this test is to find our, specially on the begin of semester the knowledge level distribution of the Class. This is not a students ranking but, to find out, and help some students to reach average knowledge level of the Class.

How to find the average knowledge level for certain Class?

Gaussian functions are widely used in statistics where they describe the natural distribution also known as Gauss Bell. Showing test results of certain Class under Gauss Bell diagram we will find the most of the students in the middle of this diagram. Some of students will be shown on the right and some on the left side of the diagram.

The most students in the middle represent the average knowledge of the Class. The students on the right side represent higher, and students on the left, the lower level from average knowledge level of the Class.

What is real purpose for the classification?

  • To help lower group of students to reach the middle of the Class. Additional lecture to "slower" students.
  • Broader knowledge for "faster" students.
  • The student in the middle will define the amount of knowledge and speed of the lecture.
  • There will be no competition between groups. Helping each other could generate a "we" or team effect.
  • Beside average level of knowledge for one Class, it will as well give a maximum notification for each Class. That can make competition between Classes in one school or even competition between Classes in the City or on Region level.
  • Every Class can develop class-conscious for its own!
  • The Class is the Team and the Class Teacher is the Couch - Team Manager!

How is defined the required Knowledge Level for certain Subject that have to be learned?

Entering to the Schools with the new technology we are not entering nobody's land! There are already written book for each subject and for semester or school year. This define already the amount of knowledge to be learned.

But, due to the fact that new learning and classification is based on the Multiple Choice Questions, those book have to be reorganized in the list of questions form. And of course, the Education Publisher should publish those books.

At primary schools we have seen the teachers that used different tools, sometime individually selected ones. Is it time now to introduce standard Learn Programs to be used in secondary schools; from schools at villages, small or big cities, islands, at regions or country.

It is question of equal opportunity for all classes in the region of even country. We are talking about public schools finance from regional or country budget.

Very often we listen discussion and suggestion to introduce competition between schools! It is something that we should look for?

Definitely not!! This is just opposite from equal opportunity!

But, how can we introduce similar or even the same quality of lectures for all classes?

Let us use synthesis to create a new Curriculum! We can imagine god lecture in the class. The teacher is standing and writing on the black board. He brought some mechanical tools for drawing on the board. Or he can use Overhead projector and use prepared foils. He can use Video player to show some Tapes (copy of Films) etc.

Do we have alternative to this mess?

Yes, the hew Curriculum. We will ask, let say the group of three teacher to prepare and record Presentation of 20 Minutes for each subject. This could be in the PowerPoint Presentation and recorded on the CD-ROM.

In the Classroom we can expect to have computer connected to the Video Projector. The Teacher will come in the classroom, will install CD-ROM and the lecture can start. Teacher can walk through the classroom with remote control in the hand to control presentation. The teacher will have the option; to explain the subject on the screen, or to leave original voice from the CD-ROOM.

Before we go further, let us look the equipment inventory in the Classroom. What we are noticing first - the Blackboard. For some years we can find Video display - Monitor.

But only recently we can see in some Classrooms a new teaching tool cold White or Active Board.

Can we see the Metamorphosis from Black - sometimes Green Board to White - Active Board?

Showing, Not Just Telling Interacting, Not Just Presenting

BoardWiz is an easy-to-use interactive whiteboard that can engage the audience and learners. With a electronic pen, you can control the computer, write or draw on the board directly. It helps teachers, trainers, presenters, or participants in meetings to deliver their lectures or presentations, explain their ideas or plans, or facilitate exchange of information in a more interactive and efficient way.

Simple, Reliable & Durable

The touch sensitive display connects to your computer and digital projector to show your computer images.

You can then control computer applications directly from the display, write notes with digital ink and save your work to share later.


  • Lectures
  • Meetings
  • Classroom Instruction
  • Corporate Presentations
  • Corporate Training

This Active Board is developed to be used in the class from the active teacher. Why it is not very often used in the classroom?

Because of the high cost, and specially because of very intensive training necessary for the teacher, this application can not be used very often in the classroom directly.

Teaching lectures from this Active Board can be transfer to Power Point Presentation including text, static or moving pictures, animations, audio ext., and recorded on CD-ROM.


  1. The lectures are prepared from team of very skill and trained teachers (3) and produced with Active ard. Later on, this will be transfer to PowerPoint Presentation.
  2. Power Point Presentation is using modern technology with advanced teaching tools.
  3. It will be presented by active present teacher in the Classroom
  4. Using ARS - Audience response System the teacher in the class has very good overlook for individual knowledge of each pupil in the class, as well as the average knowledge of the class as a reference to required standard.
  5. Class teacher is now knowledge manager and can take care of each pupil individually!
  6. Class teacher is the team coach by competition between Classes or the schools in the region or the country!
  7. We read in American Scientific MIND from the issue July/August 2009:
    The teacher's biggest challenge is to keep group of kids from splitting into to opposing fractions; one pro school and pro learning, the other anti school and anti learning. Summery; A challenge for teachers is keeping their classrooms socially united, rather than letting kids break into fractions that can be disrupting for learning! President Obama has promised to restore science to its rightful place. Let us hope he realizes that its rightful place does not have to be a laboratory. It can also be a school classroom!!

One more question for the work in the classroom - the homework?

This subject is one of the biggest obstacle toward the equal chance or equal opportunity in almost all Educative systems.

We have seen at the new curriculum; the teacher is using 20 minutes prepared PowerPoint Presentation from the CD-ROM. This is so called frontal teaching and all pupils are looking to the Display - Monitor.

For the next 20 minutes, all pupils will be working in groups to discuss the subject seen at presentation, and to do the task usually required for "home work". More knowledgeable pupil from the group can help others to finish this work. The real home work will be done at the home by practice the task, ones, or more time; than this work will be finally written in the "homework notebook".

It is very important to notice that the work art home could be done by every pupil without any help from another person. This is special the case for poor and migrate families!

Before we leave the school, there are two more "institutions", where the children learn social competence?

Generally speaking there are the three "location" where children, pupils and students are spending their time; about 1/3 of time at home, another 1/3 at the school and 1/3 in the community or, on the street.

How about the home?

The home is, even before the school, the most important social "institution". The first social behavior is learning and taking care at home. This is nothing new; this was the case in the last century as well. But what is new; modern technology, television, internet, ext.

What is old; taking care for love; love between parent, love from parents for children.
What is common; to share limited space, to share available food, to share the love!!

But, the biggest problem at home is . . . . the school!

Why school?

It is finally the time to define relationship between the home and the school! Or better to say, to separate the home from school!

It took us centuries to separate the state and religion. Now it is time for separation school from home!!


Very simple. We separate the home problems from schools problem; by low, in many countries, the parents are obliged to send the children - the pupils in the school. This obligation defined that the pupil has to came in school on time, after good breakfast and, clean dressed. They should behavior properly and, should give up all problems from home, at home!

The pupils suppose to learn at school, and all problem at school to leave at school!

With proposed solution, that preparation for the "homework" is dome already in the school; the biggest problem at home is already solved!!

After the home and the school, the last 1/3 of time the pupils suppose to spend in society - community. How?

This activity is already happened in different forms; playing soccer or football at the clubs, learning to play musical instruments, following other hobbies ext. Many pupil have complain that, because of heavily "homework", they could not have enough free time for other activity. After we solve this problem we have sold big part of social work and social competence!

Seeing the pupil during the social time in the streets means, something is wrong at the community! Playing soccer at the meadow without the club, is very OK!

The Internet is the part of social live for the pupils. What is wrong there?

There is a seeing; for the children going into Internet could be sometimes more dangerous then leaving in dangerous neighborhood!

Not is everything bad in Internet. Before we start to count and study one by one feature and problems, let us try to find some alternatives.

The most mentioned problems are with violence games for young adults. But if we apply analysis to this phenomena we will find that one of main reason for playing hose games is feeling of success by, shooting and killing so many figures on the screen.

What is alternative?

How about the game or play with the knowledge! There are already many quiz programs whit Multiple Choice Question to be answered. More right answers - are more filling of success!!

Do we have any alternative to home - internet problem?

It could be the time to rearrange living room and kitchen layout! We know that average family at home have about 2 to 3 hours time for sitting together including the dinner. But, the most kids after the dinner disappear in their rooms. Can we imagine to convert our living room into communication room and, the kitchen to cooking and eating room. Family can stay longer together in the communication room, before going to separate rooms

But, this conversion require quite installation in the living / communication room!

This is correct. But this investment can improve very much the family communication at home.

Instead installing the home network to connect communications equipment from different rooms at home together, we will install all equipment in the living / communication room at separate sections. And those sections could be separated with the moving walls, like at big office room.

In the middle of the main wall it will be "Home Cinema" with large 16:9 monitor with loudspeaker. In this section it should be enough sitting possibility for all family!

On the left and right from the Cinema we can position some additional TV receivers - for every Kid; (if necessary one for dog or/and cat)!?. All family can see the same TV Program together or each member of the family can see his own TV Program on his TV receive. It is important to notice that the program on the Home Cinema will have the sound on loudspeakers. The user of additional TV receiver will use Headphones for audio.

Every member of the family has his own computer in this room. They should be installed on the opposite wall from home cinema or on the rest of the walls. Headphone well be used on those computers as well.

Each Kid including the mother and further can watch TV program, go from his computer ins internet, play games, send or receive E-Mails or what ever! All family is in one room, can communicate between each other or with the rest of the world until is time to go to bad. If anybody want personal talk, they can go to the kitchen.

There is also much of complains concerting Television Programs. Is there any alternative?

It is similar like for the Internet. There are good and very good TV programs. But there are as well bad, and very bad TV programs. It is difficult to tell people not to look bad programs or even to ban certain part of the program. Alternative?

Unfortunately at the moment, almost none! But, we can request some!!

How this alternative would look like?

Generally speaking there are Commercial TV Stations and, Public TV Station, or TV Station with the Educational Programs.

On another hand, there are private and community education organization that could use the New Curriculum and, of course the lectures on the CD ROM-s.

There is the third way. Cooperation between Educational Broadcast and Community or Private Educational Organizations. The Lectures from the New Curriculum could be broadcast as TV program. Their students or just viewers could watch those Programs - Lectures at home; later on they would be requested to go ones or twice during the week to those organization for practicing, sociability and examination.

This activity could be done as well over Internet but, intentions was to seen education activity as alternative for standard TV Programs and, to be active participant instead a passive viewer!

For such activity there is still one link missing. We are talking here about possibility to answer Multiple Choice Questions at home. Such a System is under development and will enable viewers to give the answers with the mobile phone and, will get immediate confirmation if answer was correct. In one option, using SMS message it would be possible to send back to Educational organization the results of answered questions.

This System could enable the Broadcasters to transmit Quiz programs with the feedback to viewers, as well as beck to Broadcasters!

Talking about Globalization and the Internet as a media for global communication, can we now try to find communication back to community?!

Without trying to make the Internet more bad then it is, let us try to give some compliments for the communication in the Community:

  • we are born in the community.
  • we spent more of our children live in the community.
  • the most of our school time we spent in the same or neighborhood community.
  • our first and, later others (some best) friend we come across in the community.
  • in the most cases we meet our wife or husband in the community.
  • we get .......what ever!
  • Globalization is something very big and, very far away
  • Community is small and beautiful!!

At Year 2010 we start the Decade of Education. Let us have a good luck!!

Bit of NCLB
No Child Left Behind for the Children from this Globe



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  • Eccles John C. (2002). Das Gehirn des Menschen - Das Abenteuer des modernen Hirnforschung

  • Floyd Steve and Beth, (1982) HANDBOOK OF INTERACTIVE VIDEO
  • Marlow Eugene, (1981) Managing the Corporate Media Center
  • M.C. Diamond / A.B. Schneibel / L.M. Elson (1984). The HUMAN BRAIN -
  • Penrose Roger (2002). Computerdenken - Die Debatte um künstliche Intelligenz,
  • Bewußtsein und die Gesetze der Physik
  • Pinker Steven (1998). WIE DAS DENKEN IM KOPF ENTSTEHET
  • Spectrum der Wissenschaft (1990), Gehirn und Kognition
  • Spitzer Manfred (2000). Geist im Netz - Modelle für Lernen, Denken und Handeln
  • Spitzer Manfred (2002, August). Lernen - Gehirnforschung und die Schule des Lebens
  • Spitzer Manfred (2003, 10).  Selbstbestimmen - Gehirnforschung und die Frage: Was sollen wir tun?
  • Thompson F. Richard (1985). THE BRAIN - An introduction to Neuroscience
  • Thompson F. Richard (1990). DAS GEHIRN - Von der Nervenzelle zum Verhaltungssteuerung
  • Vester Frederic (1997, Mai; 2007 August 32. edition). Denken, Lernen, Vergessen
  • Zhao Yong (2009, January 30). Catching up or Leading the Way - American Education in the Age of Globalization


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